Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Sensory Preception

In my option I believe that one can trust the human senses to give us an accurate view of the world. My reason for believing this is because everything that we think are perceived starts with our thinking and senses. We have five senses, Taste, sight, smell, touch and hear, and with these sense we are able to function in this world. According to the reading most of our thinking is sensory interactive: after all our brain is enfleshed in our senses, therefore sometime our senses can be accurate and sometimes they can be inaccurate.The accuracy of my senses can be on point when things are clear and there is nothing clouding my thinking, example when I have had a good day and there have been no distractions then things make sense. On the other hand the daily concerns which are presented in general may cause my sense to be altered therefore things that would make sense are distorted and challenged. Our sensual perception (using sight as an example) can deceive our brain in three major wa ys: limited biologically, we see the superficial; corralled by custom, we see the habitual; and blinded by language, we see the general.Provide at least three reasons for believing in the accuracy or inaccuracy of sensory data information. My reasons for believing in the accuracy of sensory data are as follows. 1. Smell would be one sense of accuracy that I believe in, because we use this to let us know when, some things such as the environment that we are in is okay, for instance if we are in our homes, or at work and the smoke detector goes off then we would examine our surrounds to see if all is well, if not we would, leave because our smell of smoke and hearing of the alarm tells us that there may be a fire. . Our hearing is another powerful tool that we are blessed to have it’s our most vital sense. It’s crucial in communication, and is interactive with our thinking. Our hearing opens up the wonders of the world and helps us to explore things that we would not oth erwise be able to in bark upon. With our hearing we are able to recognize different sounds such as the winds blowing and the rain falling sounds such as music which has been proven to rage the beast in us.Example in the Bible 1 Samuel 16:23 and it came to pass, when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, that David took a harp, and played with his hand: so Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him. King James Bible (Cambridge Ed. ) All of which has come about because of our hearing. 3. The power of touch is also a great sensory perception that we have as a part of our make up in the human body. It allows us to fell what is cold and hot, smooth are rough.If one becomes blind, the sense of touch becomes the most power tool that the person has, it’s through the touch of the hand the one can read words, or determine the difference between a bottle and a cup, or the shape of one’s eyes or noise or lips. Touch allows us to take caution of heat that may be on a stove or a fireplace for fear that we might get burned. Again because of the accuracy of our perception we can perceive such things as this.

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