Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay --

When I was in upper form in secondary school, numbers were a nightmare to me. Additional mathematics was the major reason of this worse thing that could ever happened to me. Until one day, I got offer from MARA Professional College of Beranang to do a Diploma in Accountancy. It is totally a right one as I am able to get pointer 4.0 for every final semester examination. As time passes, I am sure that numbers are major concern but in a positive side now. The most interesting part of doing accounting is the feeling of being able to solve the problems, to get the correct figure and to get the Statement of Financial Position balanced is such a satisfaction for me. My academic achievement have always make me smile and sometimes cry also. For a person who is phobia of numbers, I managed to get excellent result for my final examination. Of course it required a lot of hard works but after all, no pain no gain. Today, I am glad and proud to say that I love accounting. During my college years, I was members of the Students' Representative Council holding the responsibilities of Exco of Arts an...

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