Sunday, February 16, 2020

Russia's Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Russia's Economy - Essay Example Firstly, with regards to the strength that exist within the Russian Federation, it can categorically be said that the natural resource markets for oil, natural gas, and mineral extraction have provided the Russian Federation with a runaway level of economic growth during a period in which much of the remainder of the world has been mired in recession. As a direct result of the fact that the Russian Federation has untold billions of barrels of oil in on reservoirs, the potential for growth within the near future is profound. Moreover, surveys into overall levels of natural gas resources within the Russian Federation indicate that this country has the largest known reserves of natural gas anywhere in the rest of the world.1 Copious supplies of coal, iron, gold, silver, diamonds, and other desired natural resources are also found in abundance in Russia’s the vast eastern wilderness. Finally, another core strength/bright spot of the Russian economy is concentric upon the fact that the Russian Federation exhibit a very high level of educational aptitude and higher learning; doubtless the result of decades of Soviet education that adequately equipped individuals with profound levels of scientific and engineering knowledge. However, apart from the bright spots and potentials for development that had previously been elaborated upon, perhaps the greatest drawback that exists currently within the Russian Federation is contingent upon the overall level of corruption within the country. At nearly almost every level, corruption is a stifling influence which creates unknown prices and incalculable expense for companies that choose to operate within its borders. Such a constraint to foreign direct investment has significantly reduces the overall number of firms that are actively interested in developing their companies further within the

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 16

Philosophy - Essay Example Adopting the average worshipper’s premise, this paper assumes the supposition that this Higher or Perfect Being is clothed with the qualities of omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence and is the creator of everything and that the goal of praying is to affect in some manner the object of the prayer, whether to express gratitude, ask forgiveness or solicit a favorable response to a request. Various methods and manner of praying exist, each claimed to be the correct method by their users. The orthodox method of praying follow the tradition prescribed by established doctrines of respective churches and faiths. This may consist of rote and memorized prayers, chants and hymns. A gregarious and an expressive way of praying is through dancing and singing of catchy tunes. Another modern way is to compose one’s prayer spontaneously and share it out loud with the rest. Then there are the worshippers whose prayers are solely kept to themselves, their praying manifested only by the solemnity of their countenance. of endless praising and extolling of virtues, if scrutinized closely, can be said to be useless and even denigrating to the object of worship. Seen from the same perspective, formulaic and memorized prayers will seem to suffer the same fate. Taking into consideration the infinite qualities of the worshipped object - it is almost certain that He knows exactly who He is and to tell Him who He is and what wonderful things He has done over and over is useless and accomplishes nothing. Not only is it futile but also insulting. On the contrary, those who engage in this kind of praying could have their motives cast with aspersion. It could be one of two things, none of which are noble: first; endless praises and flatteries may be used to advance a position through ingratiation, and; second, constantly reminding another of his good deeds may